Well, we're a little past 90 days since we launched, and in the words of Larry David, I'd say we're doing pretty, pretty, pretty, good. We've already started our next production, and as you may have guessed from the picture above…. CREW NECKS!! We knew people loved them some crew necks, but dang, the people have spoken loud and clear. Crew Necks it is! The next production run will be complete by the end of march and available in April.
We’ve also got some press recently, courtesy of the finest business publication this side of the Mississippi… The Cincinnati Business Courier. Check out the article here: http://www.bizjournals.com/cincinnati/news/2016/01/14/former-army-paratrooper-launches-downtown-premium.html
Some other notes, outside of working with a few retailers, is the developing plans to do some pop-up-shops in and around OTR this spring and summer. Look for more details as plans take shape. And finally, we are in design and test on some other products. Look for some announcements on those this summer.