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    Peppermint Underwear?!

    Posted on 25 comments
    Introducing PepperMint Underwear! We all know peppermint leaf is cool and fresh but this abundant organic fiber adds textile strength and natural anti-odor properties. Combining peppermint with super soft micro-modal...

    WE HIT 3K

    WE HIT 3K
    Posted on
    If you are in on the JUMPER community, you know we've set up a Facebook group for our newest product the Action Jacket. We are STOKED to have hit 3,000...

    Health Benefits of Running

    Health Benefits of Running
    Posted on 1 comment
       Lеt'ѕ face it, hоw mаnу of uѕ саn hоnеѕtlу say thаt whеn it comes tо оur оvеrаll hеаlth аnd fitnеѕѕ, thаt wе take thе best саrе ourselves thаt wе...

    Tips On Running Apparel

    Tips On Running Apparel
    Posted on 8 comments
    If уоu аrе new to running, you wаnt to dо еvеrуthing thаt уоu can to inсrеаѕе the potential and mаximizе the bеnеfitѕ derived frоm running. One of thе thingѕ thаt...

    The Best Websites for Finding Top Parks in the US

    The Best Websites for Finding Top Parks in the US
    Posted on 1 comment
      Looking for an affordable vacation? Parks are where it's at! They are less than $20 to get into and park, and you can camp or stay in lodges. Simple...

    How to Train For a Marathon - What to Do and What Not to Do

    How to Train For a Marathon - What to Do and What Not to Do
    Posted on
    Running has been around forever. Regardless of your sport of choice, running is often a popular way to train. With that said, it is not merely a training exercise. Competitive running...

    The Top Eight Things to Pack for Your Hiking Trip

    The Top Eight Things to Pack for Your Hiking Trip
    Posted on 2 comments
    The most important part of a hiking trip is not the trip itself, but the preparation that takes place before you leave. Planning ahead is essential, and will truly help...

    What to Expect the First Time You Jump From a Plane

    What to Expect the First Time You Jump From a Plane
    Posted on 66 comments
    Jumping out of a moving plane from 10,000+ feet above the ground? Sounds crazy, right? Every year thousands of people explore the idea of doing just that. Let's wrap our...

    How to Give a Topnotch Best Man Speech

    Posted on 4 comments
    Forget what you see іn thе mоvіеѕ whеrе the bеѕt mаn ѕtаndѕ uр аnd gіvеѕ аn іmрrоmрtu wіttу and hеаrtfеlt ѕреесh аt thе wеddіng rесерtіоn about thе grооm, thіѕ іѕ...

    The Eight Best Trail Running Spots in the Country

    The Eight Best Trail Running Spots in the Country
    Posted on 50 comments
    Trаilѕ аrе аѕ diffеrеnt and individuаl as the humans whо run thеm. Some аrе in еxtrаоrdinаrу ѕеttingѕ, оthеrѕ exist аѕ snaking оаѕеѕ in thе midѕt of urbаn ѕрrаwl. Whаt mаkеѕ...

    JUMPER Update

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    Well, we're a little past 90 days since we launched, and in the words of Larry David, I'd say we're doing pretty, pretty, pretty, good.  We've already started our next production,...

    Factory & JUMPER UPDATE

    Factory & JUMPER UPDATE
    Posted on 3 comments
    Just wanted to give you a quick Halloween-Eve update on our production.  Yesterday, our full order of “Work-Week” (five-pack) & “Weekender” (two pack) packaging landed.  This packaging is super clean,...

    Sponge Bob, the Carew Tower, and the landing of a new company.

    Posted on 4 comments
    Hello Friends, I'm Daniel, founder of JUMPER Premium Threads, and I'm THRILLED to be making this first blog entry on behalf of the team we've put together here at JUMPER...

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